"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"
Joshua 24:15
Linwood House Ministries

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

What a Difference a Year Makes!

Abi off to Kindergarten - September 2007

Abi off to Grade One - September 2008

What a Difference a Year makes...


Today is Abi's first day of Grade one! I can't believe it. I'm amazed at how fast time goes by. A year ago today, it was cloudy, rainy (or perhaps that was just my mood) and I was a mess. I cried on and off all day long, I felt lost.

NOW, I've spent that last month itching for school to start! The weather is sunny and beautiful (a bit cold, but nice enough), and I was excited to see abi off to grade one.

Abi was pretty excited too. She was also very nervous. Her tummy was upset and she was up from about 3am on...poor girl is gonna be WIPED! I can remember the feeling of going back to school - excited to see your friends, nervous about what the year will bring, nervous about liking your teacher (or the teacher liking you), nervous about what you would be learning and if you would catch on! Then, before you knew it, it was June and you were anxiously waiting for summer!

Time just goes by WAY TOO FAST. My baby is in grade one...and my other baby is already three months old! I am trying to enjoy and soak in every day that I have with my kids, because I am betting that one day I'll be writing about their graduation days from university, their weddings...and GASP...me becoming a grandmother...and today will only seem like "yesterday".

What a blessing it is to be a mom. I love every single second of it (yes, even the days when abi is screaming at me that I'm a terrible mom because I've made her clean her room). The end of the day is my favorite time with abi...i look at her sound asleep and all i see is peace. An angel sleeping. The beginning of the day is my favorite with Emma...she can be screaming for food, or for her diaper to be changed, but the second her eyes hit yours, she grins from ear to ear! The rush of emotion and love that you feel in those moments make everything in this life worth it! You can be having the crapiest day of your life, feeling like you just aren't going to survive another second, and then boom - I see abi sleeping and my whole body calms - or I see Emma smile and my heart lights up. These girls are my everything...and I love that.

So, hold tight to your kids and make sure you never miss a moment to say that you love them.

To those I love, peace.

1 comment:

Sketti said...

Dan, that was such a lovely post! I so can't wait to be a mum now! I sure hope this little guy hurry's up!