"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"
Joshua 24:15
Linwood House Ministries

Friday, June 26, 2009



Abi had last Friday off from School. She knows her mommy well, and spent the morning downstairs, on the couch, while mommy and emma slept.

When I get up, my lovely and elegant, and sweet angel Gracie, comes to me and ever so eloquently says:

"man mom, I was farting, and farting, and farting downstairs! and they were HOT too, I thought I had lava coming out of my butt..."

No, "morning mom, love you"...

I hate the word fart. Never hated it until I had kids of my own. There is just something about it when it comes out of a kids mouth! However, I was too busy laughing to correct her.

Another sad point? When I finally stopped laughing, and told her to please say toot next time, this is what I got:

"Fart mom. Deal with it. and at least I didn't say ass"...yup, she actually said that!


I tripped over one of the girl's toys this morning and hurt myself. When I told Billy, he then tells me our abigailism #2:

Billy was watching the girls last night while I went out with friends. He stubbed his toe on one of the toys (pretty confident that some colorful words would have been used at this time). Abi's response?

"Well Dad, you should watch where you are going next time"

Abi. 7 going on 15.


The Butt Family said...


Sketti said...

hahahahahaha! Too funny!